A nifty Typemock extension on steroids

Friday, Mar 6, 2009 2 minute read Tags: Unit Testing Typemock
Hey, thanks for the interest in this post, but just letting you know that it is over 3 years old, so the content in here may not be accurate.

So in my last post I showed a nifty Typemock extension for doing repetition within Typemock's AAA syntax on the WhenCalled method. When I wrote that extension it was only done in a rush and it had 1 flaw, you couldn't do method chaining to do the n+1 action, you had to do it on a separate line.

Well I spent another 5 minutes on it and added this feature (plus a repeat on CallOriginal). Here's the updated extension set:

    public static class Extensions
        public static ActionRepeater<TReturn> WillReturnRepeat<TReturn>(this IPublicNonVoidMethodHandler<TReturn> ret, TReturn value, int numberOfReturns)
            for (var i = 0; i < numberOfReturns; i++)
        <span class="keyword">return new</span> <span class="const">ActionRepeater</span>&lt;TReturn&gt;(ret);

    <span class="keyword">public static</span> <span class="const">ActionRepeater</span>&lt;TReturn&gt; CallOriginalRepeat&lt;TReturn&gt;(this <span class="const">IPublicNonVoidMethodHandler</span>&lt;TReturn&gt; ret, <span class="keyword">int</span> numberOfReturns)
        <span class="keyword">for</span> (<span class="keyword">var</span> i = 0; i &lt; numberOfReturns; i++)
        <span class="keyword">return new</span> <span class="const">ActionRepeater</span>&lt;TReturn&gt;(ret);

<span class="keyword">public class</span> <span class="const">ActionRepeater</span>&lt;TReturn&gt;
    <span class="keyword">private</span> <span class="const">IPublicNonVoidMethodHandler</span>&lt;TReturn&gt; _actionRepeater;
    <span class="keyword">public</span> <span class="const">ActionRepeater</span>&lt;TReturn&gt;(<span class="const">IPublicNonVoidMethodHandler</span>&lt;TReturn&gt; actionRepeater)
        _actionRepeater = actionRepeater;

    <span class="keyword">public</span> <span class="const">IPublicNonVoidMethodHandler</span>&lt;TReturn&gt; AndThen()
        return _actionRepeater;


I'll admit that I have made it a touch verbose to use, but I think it's better to convey what is happening to other people reading the tests (it's a lot like Rhino Mocks in verboseness I guess). So to use it now all you need to do is:

Isolate.WhenCalled(() => someMock.SomeMethod()).WillReturnRepeat(true, 3).AndThen().CallOriginal();
//or, chained repeats!
Isolate.WhenCalled(() => someMock.SomeOtherMethod()).WillReturnRepeat("Hello World", 2).AndThen().WilLReturnRepeat("Good-bye World", 2).AndThen().CallOriginal();

Makes for some really crazy mocks ;)


PS: You can use the Repeat extensions with a repeat number of 1 if you want just method chaining too:

Isolate.WhenCalled(() => someMock.SomeMethod()).WillReturnRepeat(true, 1).CallOriginalRepeat(1).ReturnRecursiveFakes();