Dynamics Library

Monday, Jul 5, 2010 4 minute read Tags: dynamic .net c#
Hey, thanks for the interest in this post, but just letting you know that it is over 3 years old, so the content in here may not be accurate.

When playing with the dynamic keyword and the DLR at CodeGarden 10 I realised that I wanted to do more with it so I started to dig deeper into it. This is where I came up with the idea which I covered in Dynamic Dictionaries with C# 4.0.

As some people I’ve talked to since then pointed out what I did was lacking a few things. I told them to be quiet as the blog was only meant to be a quick introduction into the DynamicObject and some of the power which it brings to the table. But really, I was keeping some stuff in reserve, I was working on a more complete API for working with dynamic dictionaries.

##Introducing AaronPowell.Dynamics

I decided to put together a set of handy extensions for working with the DLR, a more complete version of the dynamic dictionary which I talked about, and a fluent dynamic XML API.

I’ve checked the code up on bitbucket so you can grab a copy yourself and get playing with it (or provide me with feedback :P). You can grab it here. And if you want to just get started with the API grab it here.

##Working with the API

So obviously if you’re going to grab a copy you probably want to know what it is. The API contains:

  • AaronPowell.Dynamics.Collections.DynamicDictionary
  • AaronPowell.Dynamics.Collections.DynamicKeyValuePair
  • AaronPowell.Dynamics.Xml.XmlNode
  • AaronPowell.Dynamics.Xml.XmlNodeList

Additionally each namespace contains extension methods to allow you to convert your static objects into dynamic objects.


This is what the API is really all about, and it’s using some of the code which I started with in my other article, but I’ve added more to it, like the ability to write to it, and perform standard dictionary operations. I’ve got a series of tests which show what it can do, such as:

    public void DynamicDictionaryTests_Key_Maps_To_Property()
        Dictionary<string, string> items = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        items.Add("someKey", "someValue");

        dynamic d = items.AsDynamic();

        Assert.AreEqual(items["someKey"], d.someKey);

So you can access via a key in the dictionary. Or maybe you want to add new keys:

    public void DynamicDictionaryTests_New_Key_Added_Via_Property()
        Dictionary<string, string> items = new Dictionary<string, string>();

        dynamic d = items.AsDynamic();
        d.hello = "world";

        Assert.AreEqual("world", d.hello);

That’s right, it’s mutable (assuming the source dictionary was mutable, the AsDynamic extension method is on IDictionary<string, TValue> so you can use custom dictionaries).

And DynamicDictionary inherits from IDictionary<string, TValue> so all other standard dictionary object modifiers can be used, it’s an Enumerable object, it’s got count, etc.


Just a bit of a footnote don’t turn all dictionaries into dynamic ones! Unsurprisingly performance does take a hit when working with the DynamicDictionary object, it’s ~4 times slower than the static one when doing 1 million iterations (you can check out the demo app).

###Dynamic XML

This I can’t actually take credit for, it’s actually modeled off a piece of code by Nikhil Kothari which he wrote for working with RESTful API’s. The problem was that his code doesn’t work with the RTM of C# 4.0, so I’ve made that happen, and I’ve added a few more features, like better handling of children node sets.

Again I have a few tests which cover this, and it makes working with XML a much nicer experience, like:

    public void XmlNodeTests_Attribute_Exposed_As_Member()
        var xdoc = XDocument.Parse("<node attr='something'></node>");
        dynamic node = xdoc.Root.AsDynamic();


        Assert.AreEqual("something", node.attr);

Fluent attribute access, or how about fluent element access?

    public void XmlNodeTests_Elements_Exposed_As_Members()
        var xdoc = XDocument.Parse("<node><child>value of child</child></node>");
        dynamic node = xdoc.Root.AsDynamic();


        Assert.AreEqual("value of child", node.child);

But I’ve decided to knock it up a notch (BAM!) and added a cooler way to interact with collections. I mean, if you have many children called other, you just want the others right?

    public void XmlNodeTests_Pluralized_Children_Via_Pluralized_Word()
        var xdoc = XDocument.Parse("<node><other /><other /><other /></node>");
        dynamic node = xdoc.Root.AsDynamic();

        var others = node.others;

        Assert.IsInstanceOfType(others, typeof(XmlNodeList));
        Assert.AreEqual(3, others.Length);

The pluralization isn’t an exact science (I’ve used the same logic which is used the same logic which is used by SqlMetal) so something like Child doesn’t become Children.


So that raps it up for the introduction to my new API. It’s just a bit of fun, something to be used carefully (like all of the DLR :P) and hopefully someone finds it a bit of fun.